
List of various plugins for goblet to other open source projects or for goblet directly.

Pydantic plugin for APISpec

Support for pydantic models in the APISpec project. This plugin is used behind the scenes already in goblet to support pydantic and generate openapi specs.

If you use a custom schema type you can create a schema class that inherits from a pydantic BaseClass.

from pydantic import BaseModel
# Pydantic Models
class NestedModel(BaseModel):
    text: str
class PydanticModel(BaseModel):
    id: int
    nested: NestedModel
# Request Body Typing
@app.route("/pydantic", request_body=PydanticModel)
def traffic() -> PydanticModel:
    return jsonify(PydanticModel().dict)

If you want to return the Pydantic class to use IDE typing linting instead of the jsonified dict above, you can use the after_request middleware to handle the response formatting.

def pydantic_response(response):
    if isinstance(response, BaseModel):
        return jsonify(response.dict())
        return jsonify(response)

@app.route("/pydantic", request_body=PydanticModel)
def traffic() -> PydanticModel:
    return PydanticModel()