
Run Locally

Running your functions locally for testing and debugging is easy to do with the goblet command goblet local. You can hit your functions endpoint at localhost:8080.

You can have a custom local name by setting the local param in the goblet class

from goblet import Goblet

app = Goblet(function_name="goblet_example", local='test')

Then run goblet local test

Note: If you have both http() and route(“/”) in order to test the route locally make sure to add the header X-Envoy-Original-Path. Otherwise the route will default to @http()

curl localhost:8080/endpoint

The goblet app will run on port 8080 by default. You can specify a custom port with the -p flag.

goblet local -p 6000

You can set environment variables defined in your config.json locally by passing in the –set-env flag. Note that this will pass through environment variables set in a stage as well if you specify the –stage flag.

goblet local --set-env --stage dev

Building and Running locally using Docker

Make sure Docker Desktop and Docker CLI is installed, more information located here: <https://docs.docker.com/desktop/>

Refresh local credentials by running: gcloud auth application-default login

Set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS variable by running: export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=~/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json

To build container run: docker build . -t <tag>

To start container run:

docker run -p 8080:8080 \
    -v ~/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json:/tmp/application_default_credentials.json:ro \
    -e GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/tmp/application_default_credentials.json \
    -e GCLOUD_PROJECT=<gcp-project> <tag>:latest

Installing private packages during Docker Build

To install a private package located with GCP Artifact Registry, credentials will need to be mounted during the build process. Add this line to Dockerfile before requirements install:

RUN --mount=type=secret,id=gcloud_creds,target=/app/google_adc.json export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/app/google_adc.json \
    && pip install -r requirements.txt

To build container run: docker build . –secret id=gcloud_creds,src=”$GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS” -t <tag>

Scheduled Job

To test a scheduled job locally you will need to include two headers in your request. One X-Goblet-Type:schedule and X-Goblet-Name:FUNCTION_NAME which is the name of your function.

curl -H X-Goblet-Type:schedule -H X-Goblet-Name:FUNCTION_NAME localhost:8080


To test a pubsub topic locally you will need to include the subscription in the payload as well as a base64 encoded string for the body.

    "subscription": "TOPIC_NAME",
    "body": base64.b64encode(json.dumps({"key":"value"}).encode())

Pubsub Emulator

Google has a pubsub emulator that you can use to test your pubsub functions locally. You can install and run the emulator with gcloud as shown in the docs here. Or if you prefer you can also use docker. There’s a Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml files on the examples to run the emulator: .. code:: yaml


context: . dockerfile: pubsub-emulator.Dockerfile

  • “8085:8085”

Run the emulator with docker-compose up. Then set the environment variables PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8085 and GOBLET_LOCAL_URL=http://host.docker.internal:8080 to use the emulator with goblet. You can run goblet local –extras to deploy topics and subscriptions to the emulator and also start a local function that listens to the subscription messages.

Cloud Task

To test a cloudtask locally you will need to add the User-Agent:Google-Cloud-Tasks and X-Goblet-CloudTask-Target:TARGET headers

curl -H X-Goblet-CloudTask-Target:TARGET -H User-Agent:Google-Cloud-Tasks localhost:8080


To test an eventarc event locally you will need to add Ce-Type and Ce-Source headers

curl -H Ce-Type:google.cloud.pubsub.topic.v1.messagePublished -H Ce-Sourc://pubsub.googleapis.com/projects/goblet/topics/test localhost:8080

Cloudrun Job

To test a cloudrun job locally you can run goblet job run APP_NAME-JOB_NAME TASK_ID

BQ Remote Function

To test an bqremotefunction locally you will need to add a userDefinedContext field to the body with a X-Goblet-Name field with the format of APP_NAME _ FUNCTION_NAME. You pass in the arguments to you function in a list in the calls field.

    "userDefinedContext": {
        "X-Goblet-Name": "bqremotefunction_test_function_test"
    "calls": [[2, 2], [3, 3]],

Log Levels

You can set the log level by passing in the environent variable GOBLET_LOG_LEVEL. By default the log level is INFO. You can set the level to DEBUG by passing –debug after any goblet command.

goblet --debug package

Debugging with VScode

To debug your functions locally with Vscode you can use the following configuration. Replace LOCAL_NAME with the name you passed into goblet(NAME, local=LOCAL_NAME). Make sure that there are no naming collisions with any function names used in your app.

    "configurations": [
            "name": "Python: Module",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "launch",
            "module": "functions_framework",
            "args": [