

Goblet’s default backend is first-generation cloud functions. However, Goblet supports both first- and second-generation cloud functions.

  • For first-generation:

app = Goblet()
app = Goblet(backend="cloudfunction")
  • For second-generation:

app = Goblet(backend="cloudfunctionv2")
  • You can use config.json to further customize the function you wish to create. Goblet uses the CloudFunction resource for first-gen cloudfunctions and the Function resource for cloudfunctionv2. You may add any additional fields in config.json under “cloudfunction”

  • For cloudfunctions v1, python version must be at least python3.8, and for cloudfunctionv2, python version must be at least python3.8. To specify a python version for your cloudfunction, you can set the runtime field in config.json as such:

{"cloudfunction": {"runtime": "python38"}}

To set a custom GCS Bucket to upload the Cloudfunction sourcecode, use the artifact_bucket configuration in the deploy configuration key.

        "artifact_bucket": "name-of-the-bucket"

or the GOBLET_ARTIFACT_BUCKET environment variable.

To tag the .zip file with the code uploaded to the GCS Bucket, use the GOBLET_BUILD_TAGS environment variable with the tag. The Cloudfunction will be created using the file uploaded to this custom location.


In order to use GOBLET_BUILD_TAGS, GOBLET_ARTIFACT_BUCKET must also have a value.

To deploy a Cloudfunction from a tagged .zip file use the artifact_tag configuration in the deploy configuration key

        "artifact_tag": "1cac04f3b",

or use the GOBLET_ARTIFACT_TAG environment variable. When using an artifact_tag to deploy, GOBLET_ARTIFACT_BUCKET must also have a value.

  • Goblet does not currently support eventarc triggers for cloudfunctions


You can deploy your function to cloudrun updating the backend parameter to main Goblet class.

app = Goblet(backend="cloudrun")


The function name for cloudrun must use only lowercase alphanumeric characters and dashes, cannot begin or end with a dash, and cannot be longer than 63 characters

You can pass in configurations to your cloudrun deployment in the cloudrun section in your config.json.

Supported configurations include:

  • traffic: assigns a custom amount of traffic to the latest revision and decreases previous revisions’ traffic proportionally. If the service is brand new, the traffic will always default to 100%.

        "traffic": 25

Deploying to cloudrun requires either a Dockerfile or Procfile in the directory you are looking to deploy your goblet app. If neither of those files are found, then goblet will create a default Dockerfile that allows the app to be build, deployed, and run correctly. Having a custom Dockerfile if only needed if you would like to customize you container at all.

For revision configurations, pass values into cloudrun_revision section in your config.json. If you’re using a service account, this is where to put it.

        "serviceAccount": ""

For Container configurations, pass values into cloudrun_container

Pass in environment variables here. Secrets will also be passed in as environment variables.

"cloudrun_container": {
    "env": [
            "name": "env-variable-name",
            "value": "env-variable-value"
            "name": "env-variable-name",
            "valueSource": {
                "secretKeyRef" : {
                    "secret": "secret-name",
                    "version": "secret-version"

For Cloud Build configurations, pass values into cloudbuild

To install packages from Artifact Registry ensure roles/artifactregistry.reader role has been added to cloudbuild service account and the artifact registry keyring backend install has been enabled within the Dockerfile

RUN pip install

To set a custom artifact registry where cloudbuild will push new images and from where cloudrun will pull images to deploy, use the artifact_registry configuration in the deploy configuration key.

        "artifact_registry": ""

To use an artifact registry from a different project, the service account used in the cloudbuild configuration must have storage permissions in the current project’s bucket and read+write in the project from where artifact_registry belongs to.

This can be done by running:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding project_a \
--member="" \

Here the service account from project_b is granted permissions to read from artifact registry en project_a

To set the tags used to tag the image created in CloudBuild and pushed to artifact registry, use the GOBLET_BUILD_TAGS environment variable with a comma-sepparated list of tags to be created:


To use a previously built artifact, use the artifact_tag configuration in the deploy configuration key or use the GOBLET_ARTIFACT_TAG environment variable. When using artifact_tag, source code will not be uploaded and cloudbuild will not be called. artifact_tag can be any existing tag or digest in the default registry or the configured artifact_registry.

        "artifact_tag": "latest",
# or

To pass Build Arg to docker build during CloudBuild , use the environment variable GOBLET_BUILD_ARGS.

For example, to set the FROM image tag in the Dockerfile


FROM python:${PYTHON_VERSION}-slim

# dockerfile instrutions...

Goblet Deploy

$ GOBLET_BUILD_ARGS=PYTHON_VERSION=3.10.8 goblet deploy ...